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OpenShift, Kubernetes and Docker: A Quick Comparison


You should go with Kubernetes if you need flexibility with your projects. But if you can follow a defined approach and want to use a container orchestration platform with ease of deployment and management, OpenShift is a better choice. And if you have been in the DevOps domain for the past few years, you can try your luck with Kubernetes. But in case you are a beginner, choose OpenShift as it will make most of the things pretty straightforward for you. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

It manages containers using the Kubernetes container orchestration platform. In 2013, Docker launched an open-source GUI-based software that once again advanced container technology. It enabled users to better create and control application development and provided image streams. It has been in use since the 1970s when virtual machines replaced mainframe processing with advanced multi-system resource sharing on one machine (or “node”). Developers could install multiple virtual operating systems on one computer.

Docker vs OpenShift or Docker Swarm vs OpenShift?

Modify the docker vs kubernetes vs openshift-storage-setup file to specify the STORAGE_DRIVER. Verify that the /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage-setup file is correctly configured for the new disk by checking the device name, size, etc. With the increase in storage capacity, enable the node to be schedulable in order to accept new incoming pods. For more information on evacuating and draining pods or nodes, seeNode maintenance. Increasing the amount of storage available ensures continued deployment without any outages.

The most preferred management utility for most professionals is OpenShift’s ImageStream. Instead, It offers you to set up a Docker image registry and entices images from Docker’s registry. OpenShift builds on Docker’s capabilities, adding features such as management tools and abstracted cluster orchestration. These features make OpenShift an all-encompassing solution for developing and managing containerized applications. Docker provides core features that enterprises need in a container platform, along with best practices for ensuring success. Also, containers comply with legacy applications as well as new developments easily.

OpenShift vs Docker- Comparison

For example, Kubernetes can address various issues in Docker-only setup, and OpenShift could do the same for Kubernetes. However, the most confusing aspect related to OpenShift vs Kubernetes vs Docker arises in terms of the role of OpenShift! The most prominent answer is that OpenShift depends on Docker and Kubernetes internally. You can also think of OpenShift as a Kubernetes distribution managed by Red Hat. You could not use knowledge about one platform when working with another platform. Furthermore, the lack of awareness about OpenShift vs Kubernetes vs Docker is also responsible for the lack of clarity about the boundaries of the platforms.


As OpenShift is PaaS , it can be used over an existing cloud service that is deployed on the Docker Enterprise platform, which is Caas . This reduces the setup cost on the part of the customers and increases the efficiency and the productivity of the existing application workflow as both are open-source technologies. This also ensures the scalability of the existing application workflow. Also, as both of the technologies form an integral part of the cloud platform, they can be used independently. The OpenShift architecture is based on microservices—small, decoupled units that operate collectively. Docker Hub is a software-as-a-service tool that allows users to share containerized applications via a centralized library.

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It is supported by its ecosystem to manage and run Docker container images with its dependencies. Still, there are few hindrances CXOs or technology managers are facing regarding container solutions in terms of management, scaling, agile deployment and sustenance. Additionally, OpenShift adds complexity to Kubernetes and may be more challenging to set up and manage than the open-source Kubernetes distribution. But things changed when Red Hat announced in December 2020 that its OpenShift platform would be supporting Windows-based containers from 2021. This will allow companies to run both Linux and Windows environments as the DevOps industry adopts a hybrid cloud. Enabling ImagePolicy requires users to specify the registry when deploying an application like oc new-app instead oc new-app kubernetes/guestbook, otherwise it fails.

Even though it’s based on Kubernetes to a significant extent, OpenShift offers some essential features exclusive to the platform. Simply put, OpenShift is the most popular implementation of Kubernetes’ orchestration platform, but with more features than the native Kubernetes. Restarting the docker daemon causes the docker containers to be restarted. The registry should be added using both options to enable search, and, if there is a blacklist, to perform other operations, such as pulling images.

So, reach out to us, and we shall give you a solution based on your requirements. OpenShift is a “build once and deploys anywhere” container platform that allows you to build, deploy and manage your application with the same web interface across all cloud service platforms. Kubernetes by itself is an open source software that automates deploying, managing, and scaling containers. Kubernetes is an open-source Container-as-a-service framework developed by Google in the previous decade. Currently, maintained by Cloud Native Computing Foundation, since Google donated it at 2014, i.e. when a Kubernetes hit 1.0! At its crux, K8s is a portable, open-source containerization system that lets developers manage services and workloads.


While Docker is merely a container engine, OpenShift is an enterprise platform for container orchestration. In reality, OpenShift deployments allow you to run Docker containers. However, when you add Docker Swarm to the mix, Docker can be considered an alternative to OpenShift for small-scale use cases. Here is all the information you require regarding OpenShift vs Docker. Kubernetes offers a command-line tool for interacting with the control plane of a Kubernetes cluster. With kubectl, applications can be deployed, cluster resources can be inspected and managed, and logs can be seen.

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Kubernetes offers Helm templates that are easy to use and provide a generous amount of flexibility. If you’re starting to learn the differences between OpenShift vs Kubernetes, you need to learn a lot about the platforms. So, before we investigate the differences between the two platforms let’s understand what they are, starting with Kubernetes.

OpenShift is a self-service containerization platform that Red Hat built for enterprise use. The platform enables engineers to build, deploy, and maintain container-based applications. OpenShift supports several programming languages, including Python, Java, PHP, Go, Node.js, and Ruby.

One big disadvantage OpenShift templates have is that release versioning is not available, whereas Helm allows release versioning and rollback. Kubernetes offers Helm templates that are flexible, easy to use, and readily available. There are a few simple steps to getting Helm working in Kubernetes. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups.

  • If you plan to upgrade your existing installation, always create a backup first.
  • Otherwise, traffic between the registry and host is plain text and not encrypted, meaning it is an insecure registry.
  • Because Docker Swarm is natively built to manage Docker Containers .
  • One big disadvantage OpenShift templates have is that release versioning is not available, whereas Helm allows release versioning and rollback.
  • Experienced engineers often prefer Docker for development and Kubernetes for operations phases of their deployments.

With CloudZero’s cloud cost intelligence platform, you can capture, analyze, and share granular costs of containerized and non-containerized infrastructure within one platform. Meanwhile, Docker uses multi-host networking, so you can choose an overlay network for your services. During initialization or updates, the Swarm Manager automatically assigns addresses to the containers in the network.

A project is essentially the same as a namespace, but OpenShift provides additional administrative controls for projects. They both feature robust and scalable architecture that enables rapid and large-scale application development, deployment, and management. But that’s just about where the likeliness ends but not the analogy. I have tried to cover just a few out of many ways in OpenShift and Kubernetes differ. ODO Command Line Interface – OpenShift 4 also includes ODO, a command-line interface . This Red Hat-developed CLI is great for optimizing code containerization and deployment on OpenShift.

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OKD is Red Hat’s Kubernetes distribution, OpenShift Online is a software-as-a-service platform, and OpenShift Dedicated is a managed service platform. Kubernetes allows auto-scaling, load balancing and storage management features to containers. OpenShift powered with Kubernetes takes Kubernetes further and enables more simplicity in the management of workloads along with different types of tools.

  • The console offers a simple, form-based interface, allowing users to add, delete, and modify resources.
  • With OpenShift Container Platform, a different set of steps must be performed, because the users can not run docker login commands on the host.
  • You will have to create an application and a project, at which point the OpenShift does all the heavy lifting of pipeline and automation creation that indeed makes one’s life easier.
  • Replication Controller is one of the key features of Kubernetes, which is responsible for managing the pod lifecycle.
  • Kubernetes doesn’t provide a complete out-of-the-box CI/CD solution.
  • Containerized apps can be scaled automatically or manually using the platform.

It is possible to use OpenShift with Docker’s Builder and Registry. OpenShift’s compatibility may help you identify the frameworks and technologies you should use with the platform. There are several essential components in Red Hat OpenShift Allows Seamless, including a scheduler and an identity engine for APIs. Depending on your specific requirements and preferences, any of these might be an excellent pick. When deciding between OpenShift and Docker, how do you make a decision?

With 4.x, Docker containers were replaced with CRI-O containers. OpenShift can still run Docker containers if they’re OCI-compliant, but they are not the default. Web scraping, residential proxy, proxy manager, web unlocker, search engine crawler, and all you need to collect web data.

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To perform all the cluster administration work, you need a suitable and easy-to-use web interface. It has a simple login for every user, and after logging in, it gives the complete visualization of the cluster, which is very easy to understand. Red Hat’s OpenShift has a user-friendly web console that allows the DevOps engineers to execute Kubernetes tasks and the operation teams to monitor the application comfortably.

OpenShift with its additional feature makes the deployment of apps easy with the CI/ CD pipelines. Hence in the Kubernetes vs OpenShift, the former definitely has a fair advantage. There is no impartial comparison between these two when it comes to security. It denies running a container as root, there’s an easy way to disable that policy, but still, it shows a different approach to security. In addition, it offers a secure-by-default option to boost security.

Even if the comparison between OpenShift and Kubernetes lead to many points of differences, they complement each other. The additions in OpenShift provide a legible course of improvement over Kubernetes and can revise conventional notions of container orchestration. So, the possibility of an intertwined DevOps tools suite cannot be underscored here. Another prominent difference point between OpenShift and Kubernetes comes up in terms of the web user interface.

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You will want to agree that many developers today will prefer using a visual interface to implement and monitor applications to a command-line interface. On the other hand, OpenShift is also a container management system offered as a Platform-as-a-Service by Red Hat – a multinational cloud and open-source software contributor. To import images from an external authenticated registry, create a secret within the desired project.

Docker supports various desktop and cloud native environments for build, test, and deployment phases. Docker is a container engine for deploying a small number of containers in a development environment. Docker technology enables you to automate the deployment of applications in portable containers that run in the cloud or on-premises. Container orchestrators often use Docker to deploy containers at a larger scale. OpenShift is an enterprise platform for container orchestration, while Docker is just a container engine.

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On the contrary, Kubernetes can be set up on the majority of systems and is installable via a variety of tools, including Kubeadm, Kube-spray, Kops, and Booktube. It has a sizable, active developer and engineering community which helps with the regular release of new features. It’s possible to create and run containerized apps on the OpenShift Container Platform. The technology that powers containerized apps is incorporated into the OpenShift Container Platform, which has its roots in Kubernetes. When it comes to discussing Docker vs Kubernetes vs OpenShift, all of them restrict network access based on the roles of team members within an organization.

You might think of Kubernetes as the best option for DevOps to configure and customize application templates with more direct command-line controls. For deploymentconfig and many controllers — such as replication and namespace controllers — Kubernetes might be considered a more comprehensive option. Kubernetes deployment and Kubernetes distribution for software applications enables businesses to create, test and deploy applications more efficiently.

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